The Modern Approaches

Accessibility by water. Bold are waterside. 


(1) The Falls, 2-1/2miles via the Canal Walk from Rocketts Landing.

(2) Moncuin Creek, 44 nautical miles on the Pamunkey River from Rt. 33 bridge to Rt. 360 bridge, thence along Rt 360 2.8 miles overland.  

(3) Mattaponi River, 38 nautical miles from Rt 33 bridge to Herring Creek, waterside.

(4) Pamunkey River, 50 nautical miles from Rt 33 bridge, bankside.

(5) Dragon Run, 4 miles overland from Bowlers Wharf (nautical miles 29) on the Rappahannock River

(6) Teracosik, 2-1/2 miles overland from a landing on the Western Branch of the Nansemond River

(7) Mockhorn Bay, 1/4 mile by trail from a high-tide put-in on Narrow Channel Branch.

(8) Wighcocomoco, 16 nautical miles from Williams Point, dockside on the Pocomoke River

(9) Kuskarawaok, 32 nautical miles Nanticoke R. mouth to Woodland ferry, thence 3 miles overland to the Wildlife Management Area (WMA).

(10) Blands Content, no nearby landings.

(11) Potomac River, not set.

(12) Burtons Mount, 3-1/2 miles overland along Fuller Road from Quantico marina.

(13) Quiyough, not set.

(14) Smiths Falls, one mile above Lapidum landing on the Susquehanna River.

(15) Gunters Harbour, 2-1/4 miles overland from Anchor Boats Marina on the Northeast River.

(16) Peregryns Mount, 10-11 miles from Elk River at Locust Point Marina overland, or 4 miles from Elk Creek along Rt218. 

(17) Tockwogh, waterside on the Sassafras River

(18) Willowbyes, beach on the Bush River

(19) Belmont, on the Rappahannock River 2-2/3 miles from Fredericksburg city landing or waterside for shallow draft.

(20) Fall Hill, on the Rappahannock River. 3-1/4 miles overland from Fredericksburg city landing.

(21) Chesapeake, end of Lafayette River at Harrell Ave.

(22) Upper Chippokes Creek, not set.

(23) Appamatuck, 4-1/2 miles overland from Appomattox Small Boat Harbor (eastern channel) or waterside for shallow draft 10nm from City Point down the western channel.

(24) Grays Creek, waterside