Land Use of Marker Sites
City Parks
(1) “The Falls”
(8) “Wighcocomico”
(20) “Fall Hill”
(21) “Chesapeake”
(23) “Appamattuck”
City Park: “Chesapeake”
County Park
(16) “Peregryns Mount”
State Parks
(3) Zoar State Forest
(10) “Blands Content’
(14) “Smiths Falls”
State Park: Smiths Falls
Highway Right of Way
(17) “Tockwogh”
Other Public Land
(5) Dragon Run
(19) Belmont
Other public: Belmont
Wildlife Management Area
(9) “Kuskaraok”
Military Reservation
(12) "Burtons Mount”
Military: Burtons Mount
Private Lane Commercial or Institutional
(6) “Teracosick”
(7) Mockhorn Bay
(18) “Willowbyes”
Private: Mockhorn Bay
Private Lane Personal
(2) Moncuin Creek
(4) Pamunkey River
(15) Gunters Harbour
(24) Grays Creek
Private land: Grays Creek